About the Project

St. Louis City, Missouri

CBB has completed multiple neighborhood traffic calming studies for various City of St. Louis wards and neighborhoods analyzing traffic and developing recommendations for enhancing walkability in these neighborhoods. These studies are initiated by the aldermen, who are interested in enhancing safety within their neighborhood. CBB has completed studies for Wards 6, 14 & 16, 15, 20, and 24. These projects start with developing the overall goals and vision for the neighborhood with City staff and elected officials. The goal is to enhance pedestrian and bicycle safety and reduce conflict with motorists for safe, sustainable, and vibrant communities. The study process includes data collection, conceptual planning, meetings with public officials, and public engagements.

CBB collects traffic data and analyzes existing conditions, as well as facilitates a robust public engagement process. For these efforts we have developed surveys for the residents, as well as hosted multiple public meetings and information sessions on traffic calming techniques and neighborhood alternatives. The result is a planning report delivered to the City staff and elected officials to use in planning transportation improvement projects within their neighborhoods. Alternatives are developed in a way that identifies low, medium, and high-cost options, as well as a phasing plan for priority improvements. The plan can also be used to leverage potential future funding with various grant applications. 

As a result of these efforts, safety improvements have been implemented in all the neighborhoods in which we have worked, enhancing safety for residents, and resulting in a more walkable community. The new updates enhance neighborhood quality of life and improve safety for everyone travelling within the area.

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